Mouse Rederivation Service

Mice infected with pathological bacteria, viruses, and internal and external parasites pose a health risk to other animals in the same facility. For animal welfare purposes, taking advantage of the barrier effect of the zona pellucida of fertilized oocytes, embryology techniques such as in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer can be used to remove pathogens and upgrade such colonies to SPF health status. This method of biological purification also can be used to accomplish rapid expansion of the desired mouse strain to match the need of the downstream experiment.


  • GemPharmatech has over ten years of experience and expertise in biological purification

  • 3000 batches of biological purification have been completed. 100% success rate in offering at least three SPF offspring with desired genotype.

  • Many rederived offspring have been successfully transferred to the client facility for continued breeding.

  • We provide genotyping service for parental and offspring mice to assure correct identification of the desired offspring.



