Cryopreservation and Resuscitation

GemPharmatech cryopreserves genetic material of mice in liquid nitrogen using specific protective measures and cooling procedures to achieve long-term stable preservation. This allows us to reduce the space and cost required to maintain live colonies and prevent the loss of valuable mouse strains due to environmental constraints or diseases. We can recover frozen sperm or embryos and transfer fertilized embryos into pseudo-pregnant mice (fallopian or uterine transfer). After success recovery of the strain, we keep detailed record of the litter, and arrange genotype identification and appropriate health testing to provide the customer with SPF-grade offspring.


  • GemPharmatech offers world class recover efficiency with sperm freezing and recovery rates above 70% and embryo freezing and recovery rates above 95%.

  • Our facilities have high-capacity gas-phase liquid nitrogen tanks for cryostorage, eliminating cross-contamination between samples. Our system has automatic filling, an early warning system, and regional and hierarchical preservation effectively ensuring the safety of samples.

  • Resuscitated offspring can directly respond to customized breeding services and work on a defined schedule.

Cryopreservation Method

Sperm cryopreservation & resuscitation

Embryo cryopreservation & resuscitation

Quantity of mice used

3 fertile adult males

3 fertile adult males and 30-40 females

Amount of genetic material

Cryopreservation of more than 20 vials of sperm

Cryopreservation of approximately 400 embryos with 30-40 embryos per vial

Technical features

After sperm resuscitation, IVF allows for the rapid production of large number of offspring of the same DOB.

Embryos can be transferred directly after resuscitation without the need for an IVF procedure.

Suitable for heterozygous or homozygous breeding strains.

Suitable for breeding single or multiple gene homozygous or pure inbred background strains.


Nearly 5,000 strains of sperm cryopreserved

Nearly 1,400 strains of embryo cryopreserved



