Strain Name: C57BL/6JGpt-Csmd2em2Cd1104in2/Gpt
Strain Number: T047092
Official Symbol: Csmd2
Official Full Name: CUB and Sushi multiple domains 2
Also Known As: Gm139
NCBI Number: 329942
MGI Number: 2386401
Chromosome: 4
Deletion (size): -1104bp+2bp
Research Areas: immune system,Physiological system,hematopoietic system
Strain Background: [N000013] C57BL/6JGpt
Modification Type: Knockout (KO)
Inventory Status: Cryopreserved
Sale Status: IF (Available for Distribution)
Health Status: Specific pathogen free (SPF)
Health Report: Please log in to view
Gene Family: Complement system regulators and receptorsSushi domain containing