Adherens Junction
Official name of gene NCBI No Line No Short name of strain Save state Sales Status
FoxO3 56484
T052624 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo3em8Cd80724/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T017793 B6/JGpt-Foxo3em1Cd1433/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T065523 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo3em13Cd80716/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007580 B6/JGpt-Foxo3em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007357 B6/JGpt-Foxo3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T005311 B6/JGpt-Foxo3em1Cd1168/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T052286 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
FoxO1 56458
T052285 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T036768 B6/JGpt-Foxo1em1Cin(P2A-EGFP)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T052623 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T007579 B6/JGpt-Foxo1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007356 B6/JGpt-Foxo1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
FoxO4 54601
T059532 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo4em15Cd6975/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007581 B6/JGpt-Foxo4em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007358 B6/JGpt-Foxo4em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T004405 B6/JNju-Foxo4em1Cd/Nju TS(技术服务)
T052625 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo4em3Cd7009/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052287 C57BL/6JGpt-Foxo4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
SREBP-1 20787
T009700 C57BL/6JGpt-Srebf1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015848 B6/JGpt-Srebf1tm1C(c.1259 ins C)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T010793 B6/JNju-Srebf1em1Cin(R516C)/Nju TS(技术服务)
T059556 C57BL/6JGpt-Srebf1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T011586 B6/JGpt-Srebf1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T037279 C57BL/6JGpt-Srebf1em6Cd2745/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
SGK 20393
T015075 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T064975 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T064975 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T065967 T015075 Sgk1-flox 配 T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T015498 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em8Cd13672/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
PKA 18747
T067876 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkacaem1Cin(LSL-p.W197R)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T013119 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkacaem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014652 B6/JNju-H11em1Cin( Pkaca(W197R))/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T014005 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkacaem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T060010 B6/JGpt-H11em1Cin(pTRE3G-Pkaca(W197R)-HA tag)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
PDK1 228026
T009173 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012513 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Torc2 74343
T015953 C57BL/6JGpt-Crtc2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T066320 C57BL/6JGpt-Crtc2em6Cd2310/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T016752 C57BL/6JGpt-Crtc2em1Cd2365/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
SGK 20393
T015075 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T064975 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T064975 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T065967 T015075 Sgk1-flox 配 T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T015498 C57BL/6JGpt-Sgk1em8Cd13672/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
Akt2 11652
T059302 C57BL/6JGpt-Chr1YP1Akt2em2Cd11064in2/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T007510 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em1Cd4023/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007282 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059081 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em3Cd4021in16/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
SIK2 235344
T029147 C57BL/6JGpt-Sik2em12Cd6579/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T019786 C57BL/6JGpt-Sik2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T038174 C57BL/6JGpt-Sik2em15Cd6575/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
GSK-3 56637
T011162 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem2Cd1239/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T004150 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem8Cd1199/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T052186 C57BL/6JGpt-Gsk3bem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Akt2 11652
T059302 C57BL/6JGpt-Chr1YP1Akt2em2Cd11064in2/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T007510 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em1Cd4023/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007282 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059081 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt2em3Cd4021in16/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
PI3K p110 18706
B012432 T059388 Pik3ca-p.H1047R-EGFP CKI 配T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 Cryo Recovery BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T015247 C57BL/6JGpt-Pik3caem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T058345 C57BL/6JGpt-Pik3caem1Cin(LSL p.E545K )/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T055269 BALB/c/JGpt-Rosa26em1Cin(CAG-LSL-PIK3CA(H1047R)-IRES-luciferase)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T015668 C57BL/6JGpt-Pik3caem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T066390 B6/JGpt-Rosa26em1Cin(SA-LSL-Pik3ca(p.H1047R)-Wpre-polyA)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
PKCλ/ζ 18759
T008135 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkciem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012265 B6/JGpt-Prkciem1Cd2384/Gpt IS(自主品系)
PDK1 228026
T009173 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012513 C57BL/6JGpt-Pdk1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PKCλ/ζ 18759
T008135 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkciem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T012265 B6/JGpt-Prkciem1Cd2384/Gpt IS(自主品系)
Fyn 14360
T008835 C57BL/6JGpt-Fynem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T010450 C57BL/6JGpt-Fynem10Cd30213/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
AMPK 105787
T067504 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059339 C57BL/6JGpt-Chr1YP1Prkaa1em2Cd5160in7/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T067503 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cflox/Gpt IF (Available for Distribution)
T007422 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cd5589in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007182 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059606 C57BL/6JGpt-H11em1Cin(Syn1-iCre)Prkaa1em1CfloxRosa26tm1(CAG-LSL-Cas9-tdTomato)/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T003527 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em2Cd14/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T003036 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkaa1em1Cin1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
LKB1 20869
T007821 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014441 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em18Cd4873/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050570 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em6Cd4881in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T004657 C57BL/6JGpt-Stk11em39Cd4020/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T004655 B6/JNju-Lkb1em1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
Akt 11651
T066231 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T052221 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007509 B6/JGpt-Akt1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007281 B6/JGpt-Akt1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052575 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T000052 B6;129-Akt1tm1/Nju TS(技术服务)
IKK 16150
T014230 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkbem5Cd5413/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013479 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkbem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037856 C57BL/6JGpt-Ikbkbem8Cd5417/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
PKCθ 18761
T050057 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkcqem3Cd25376/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T028145 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkcqem8Cd25354in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018784 C57BL/6JGpt-Prkcqem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Jnk 26419
T005994 B6/JGpt-Mapk8em5Cd3645in6/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005762 B6/JGpt-Mapk8em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052441 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk8em5Cd3645in6/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T051937 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk8em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Erk1/2 26417,26413
T007715 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3699/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T005475 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
B005793 B6/JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3696/Gpt BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
B005785 B6/JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3699/Gpt BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T052442 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T050581 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3696/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007714 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em5Cd3707in3/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007713 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em4Cd3702/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T005996 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005764 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005579 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em3Cd3846/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T051939 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
MEK1/2 26395,26396
T018043 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015182 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056263 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k2em3Cd4493/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T064763 B6/JGpt-Map2k1em1Cin(LSL-S218E&S222E)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T015604 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k1em24Cd1385in45/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027404 C57BL/6JGpt-Map2k2em2Cd4490/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
c-Raf 110157
T007515 C57BL/6JGpt-Raf1em1Cd2286/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007287 C57BL/6JGpt-Raf1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
mTOR 56717
T007950 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014455 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T049888 B6/JGpt-Mtorem1Cin(K2066R)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
mTOR 56717
T007950 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014455 C57BL/6JGpt-Mtorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T049888 B6/JGpt-Mtorem1Cin(K2066R)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
Erk1/2 26417,26413
T007715 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3699/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T005475 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
B005793 B6/JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3696/Gpt BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
B005785 B6/JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3699/Gpt BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T052442 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T050581 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em6Cd3696/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007714 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em5Cd3707in3/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007713 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em4Cd3702/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T005996 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005764 B6/JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005579 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk3em3Cd3846/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T051939 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapk1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Synip 20913
T038611 C57BL/6JGpt-Stxbp4em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T057535 C57BL/6JGpt-Stxbp4em7Cd1155/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T044267 C57BL/6JGpt-Stxbp4em7Cd1160in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Flotillin 14251
T019528 C57BL/6JGpt-Flot1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T028889 C57BL/6JGpt-Flot1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
CAP 240028
T063185 C57BL/6JGpt-Lnpepem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T053219 C57BL/6JGpt-Lnpepem13Cd15626/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T019447 B6/JGpt-Lnpepem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T028808 C57BL/6JGpt-Lnpepem5Cd15627/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
APS 16621
T007487 B6/JGpt-Klkb1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007258 B6/JGpt-Klkb1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052562 C57BL/6JGpt-Klkb1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T059662 B6/JGpt-Klkb1em1Cin(Humanized KLKB1)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T004488 B6/JNju-Klkb1em1Cd/Nju TS(技术服务)
T052203 C57BL/6JGpt-Klkb1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Crkll 12929
T028119 C57BL/6JGpt-Crklem12Cd23531/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018758 C57BL/6JGpt-Crklem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Cbl 12402
T005194 C57BL/6JGpt-Cblem9Cd2102/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T054413 C57BL/6JGpt-Cble20Cd2093/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005075 C57BL/6JGpt-Cblem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Cav 12389
T010293 C57BL/6JGpt-Cav1em1Cd7913/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T008506 C57BL/6JGpt-Cav1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037160 C57BL/6JGpt-Cav1em10Cd7912/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
CIP4/2 106628
T019976 C57BL/6JGpt-Trip10em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T029337 C57BL/6JGpt-Trip10em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TBC1D1 57915
T051210 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d1em18Cd9110/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T059782 B6/JGpt-Tbc1d1em1Cin(p.T849A&T852A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T059781 B6/JGpt-Tbc1d1em1Cin(p.R848K)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T037364 B6/JGpt-Tbc1d1em1Cin(T590A)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T028753 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d1em23Cd9110/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T019392 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
AS160 210789
T066688 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cin(c.1633-2 A>G)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T066687 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cin(3×flag)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T019242 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T057252 C57BL/6JGpt-Chr1YP1Tbc1d4em1Cin(R691X)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T010885 B6/JNju-Tbc1d4 em1Cin(Arg691Ter)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T055853 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cd15273/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T065179 CSS750-Tbc1d4em1Cin(R691X)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T059780 B6/JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cin(p.T918A&p.T921A)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T058572 B6/JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cin(c.619-636 del)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T058377 Tbc1d4-c.619-636 del TS(技术服务)
T028603 C57BL/6JGpt-Tbc1d4em1Cd15274/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
p85 13601
T063416 C57BL/6JGpt-Ecm1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T053952 C57BL/6JGpt-Ecm1em6Cd5482in199/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T015093 B6/JGpt-Ecm1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T015516 C57BL/6JGpt-Ecm1em9Cd5489/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Gab1 14388
T051461 C57BL/6JGpt-Gab1em5Cd14707/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T018932 C57BL/6JGpt-Gab1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T028293 C57BL/6JGpt-Gab1em3Cd14707in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Shc 20416
T027919 C57BL/6JGpt-Shc1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T018558 C57BL/6JGpt-Shc1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
Rac1 19353
T067643 T009642 Rac1-flox配T055339 Tagln-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T009642 C57BL/6JGpt-Rac1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T005302 C57BL/6JGpt-Rac1em37Cd8551/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037055 C57BL/6JGpt-Rac1em30Cd8560in13/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T011533 C57BL/6JGpt-Rac1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T005301 B6/JGpt-Rac1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
EHBP1 216565
T038973 C57BL/6JGpt-Ehbp1em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T044629 C57BL/6JGpt-Ehbp1em1Cd1046/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
EHD1 13660
T026804 C57BL/6JGpt-Ehd1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T065801 T008997 Dhcr7-flox 配 T003822 Lyz2-icre IS(自主品系)
T036164 C57BL/6JGpt-Ehd1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
GRB2 14784
T007468 B6/JGpt-Grb2em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007234 B6/JGpt-Grb2em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052551 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb2em14Cd1088in53/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052184 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Crkll 12929
T028119 C57BL/6JGpt-Crklem12Cd23531/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018758 C57BL/6JGpt-Crklem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Nck 17973
T049632 C57BL/6JGpt-Nck1em20Cd6856/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T028343 C57BL/6JGpt-Nck1em18Cd6929/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018982 C57BL/6JGpt-Nck1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
socs3 12702
T013281 C57BL/6JGpt-Socs3em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T014163 C57BL/6JGpt-Socs3em25Cd9438/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T064583 C57BL/6JGpt-Socs3em15Cd9429/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T065449 T013281 Socs3-flox 配T006806 Myf5-P2A-iCre IS(自主品系)
IRS-1 16367
T068652 Irs1 p.S680A TS(技术服务)
T011950 C57BL/6JGpt-Irs1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T011033 C57BL/6JGpt-Irs1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
GRB10 14783
T015125 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb10em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015548 C57BL/6JGpt-Grb10em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
PRAS40 67605
T015047 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1s1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015470 C57BL/6JGpt-Akt1s1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TSC1 64930
T052243 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T060360 T052243 Tsc1-flox配T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 IS(自主品系)
T051134 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cin(c.2500-2503 delAACA)/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T049885 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007534 B6/JGpt-Tsc1em19Cd3244/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007308 B6/JGpt-Tsc1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052856 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc1em19Cd3244/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
4E-BP1 13685
T052151 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056135 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em3Cd22972/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007419 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007178 B6/JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052532 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4ebp1em1Cd22968/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
eIF4E 13684
T028130 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T018769 C57BL/6JGpt-Eif4eem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Lipin1 14245
T033927 C57BL/6JGpt-Lpin1em5Cd4894/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T024567 C57BL/6JGpt-Lpin1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Lipin1 14245
T033927 C57BL/6JGpt-Lpin1em5Cd4894/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T024567 C57BL/6JGpt-Lpin1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
GβL 56716
T018321 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T027682 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em4Cd5726/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
DEPTOR 97998
T020111 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T029472 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Raptor 74370
T015117 C57BL/6JGpt-Rptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015540 C57BL/6JGpt-Rptorem8Cd1460/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
GβL 56716
T018321 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T027682 C57BL/6JGpt-Mlst8em4Cd5726/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
DEPTOR 97998
T020111 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T029472 C57BL/6JGpt-Deptorem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PRR5 109270
T062282 C57BL/6JGpt-Prr5em1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T061680 C57BL/6JGpt-Prr5em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T035103 B6/JGpt-Prr5em1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T025743 B6/JGpt-Prr5em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
Sin1 227743
T012069 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapkap1em2Cd2223/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T007861 C57BL/6JGpt-Mapkap1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Rictor 78757
T014196 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem8Cd4746/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013315 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T050328 C57BL/6JGpt-Rictorem9Cd4750/Gpt Live MouseCryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
iNOS 18126
T052851 C57BL/6JGpt-Nos2em5Cd5918/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
B013295 B6J-Nos2-flox Live Mouse BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T050381 C57BL/6JGpt-Nos2em1Cd5917/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007480 B6/JGpt-Nos2em5Cd5918/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007249 B6/JGpt-Nos2em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052196 C57BL/6JGpt-Nos2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PP2A 19052
T018350 C57BL/6JGpt-Ppp2caem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027711 C57BL/6JGpt-Ppp2caem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
SHP-2 19247
T010047 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptpn11em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
B013731 T063793 Ptpn11-p.A72T Cas9-KI(LSL)配 T052676 Rosa26-Vav1-iCre-PolyA BS(代繁/净化/进口等)
T037271 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptpn11em3Cd9046/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T063793 B6/JGpt-Ptpn11em1Cin(LSL-p.A72T)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T053172 B6/JGpt-Ptpn11em1Cin(LSL-N308D)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T053171 B6/JGpt-Ptpn11em1Cin(LSL-Y279C)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T014511 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptpn11em11Cd9050/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PTEN 19211
T068991 T004656 Pten-KO 配 T064344 B6-HLA0201 Live Mouse IS(自主品系)
T052148 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T004656 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem66Cd1367in7/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037073 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cin(C124S)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T011155 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cd/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T009092 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptenem60Cd1347/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007174 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T063904 Pten Cas9-CKO TS(技术服务)
T050692 B6/JGpt-Ptenem1Cin(W274L)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T004654 B6/JNju-Ptenem1Cflox/Nju Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
SHIP 16331
T018036 B6/JGpt-Inpp5dem1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T059706 C57BL/6JGpt-Inpp5dem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027397 C57BL/6JGpt-Inpp5dem4Cd84115/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
HSL 16890
T015721 C57BL/6JGpt-Lipeem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T015300 C57BL/6JGpt-Lipeem1Cflox/Gpt RD (Under Development)
PDE3B 18576
T015196 C57BL/6JGpt-Pde3bem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015618 C57BL/6JGpt-Pde3bem4Cd4781/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
ATP-citrate lyase 104112
T037635 C57BL/6JGpt-Aclyem4Cd4003/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T066489 B6/JGpt-Aclyem1Cin(lsl-p.S455A)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T059507 B6/JGpt-Aclyem1Cin(p.C845S)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T027802 C57BL/6JGpt-Aclyem1Cd4003/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T018441 C57BL/6JGpt-Aclyem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
GS 14645
T015184 C57BL/6JGpt-Glulem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T036623 B6/JGpt-H11em1Cin(CAG-Glul-P2A-EGFP-polyA)/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T050478 C57BL/6JGpt-Glulem6Cd6640/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T056496 Glul K241R Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
T056495 Glul R341C TS(技术服务)
T015606 C57BL/6JGpt-Glulem2Cd6639in1/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
ENaC 20276
T012945 C57BL/6JGpt-Scnn1aem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T013838 C57BL/6JGpt-Scnn1aem1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T007040 B6/JGpt-Scnn1aem1Cin(P2A-iCre)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T052706 C57BL/6JGpt-Scnn1aem1Cin(P2A-iCre)/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PP1 19047
T001153 C57BL/6NGpt-Ppp1cctm1a/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T049728 C57BL/6JGpt-Ppp1ccem6Cd8597/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T049688 C57BL/6JGpt-Ppp1ccem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
PTP1B 19246
T011793 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptpn1em6Cd17618/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T010202 C57BL/6JGpt-Ptpn1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T004973 B6/JNju-Ptpn1em1Cd/Gpt TS(技术服务)
CBP/p300 12914
T067688 C57BL/6JGpt-Crebbpem1Cin(p.R423X)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T009860 C57BL/6JGpt-Crebbpem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T056706 C57BL/6JGpt-Crebbpem52Cd1680/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T012749 C57BL/6JGpt-Crebbpem51Cd1681in5/Gpt IS(自主品系)
TC10 104215
T020312 C57BL/6JGpt-Rhoqem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T029673 C57BL/6JGpt-Rhoqem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
C3G 107746
T028125 C57BL/6JGpt-Rapgef1em1Cd/Gpt RD (Under Development)
T018764 C57BL/6JGpt-Rapgef1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Rheb 19744
T058928 C57BL/6JGpt-Rhebem11Cd9128/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007516 B6/JGpt-Rhebem1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007288 B6/JGpt-Rhebem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T052580 C57BL/6JGpt-Rhebem17Cd9118/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T052226 C57BL/6JGpt-Rhebem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
TSC2 22084
T051135 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc2em1Cin(c.1113 delA)/Gpt Cryo Recovery RD (Under Development)
T052857 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc2em1Cd1399/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T007535 B6/JGpt-Tsc2em1Cd1399/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T007309 B6/JGpt-Tsc2em1Cflox/Gpt IS(自主品系)
T052244 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc2em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T037877 C57BL/6JGpt-Tsc2em3Cd1405/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
Bad 12015
T068726 C57BL/6JGpt-Badem1Cin(LSL-Bad-exon4-42bpDel)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T008461 C57BL/6JGpt-Badem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T006822 C57BL/6JGpt-Badem5Cd2686/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T015772 B6/NGpt-Badtm1C(S26D)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T017649 C57BL/6JGpt-Badem11Cd2712/Gpt Cryo Recovery IS(自主品系)
T037953 C57BL/6NGpt-Badem1Cin(3SA)/Gpt TS(技术服务)
T006821 B6/JGpt-Badem1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery TS(技术服务)
Ras 19700
T020197 C57BL/6JGpt-Rem1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T029558 C57BL/6JGpt-Rem1em1Cd/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
SOS 20662
T018048 C57BL/6JGpt-Sos1em1Cflox/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)
T027409 C57BL/6JGpt-Sos1em15Cd27572/Gpt Cryo Recovery IF (Available for Distribution)